Tuesday, December 16, 2014
The inner spark
For many years I struggled with earthly confusion and mayham before I understood why I choose to come to earth at this time and live a human experience. I always felt that there was more to life than "just this" and internally I searched and I searched for answers. I know that there are many of you out there that feel just like I used to feel, a little unsure, curious, depleted and even somewhat lost at times.
I have had some very painful life experiences and some wonderful joyous ones too. Some of the most painful experiences caused me to suffer, but more importantly, also pushed me through the doors of opportunity. I choose to dig deep and spiritually connect to a force that is certainly bigger than little me.
Many human years on my journey now and I have a real understanding of truth and my reason for being at this point in time. I know in my heart, mind and soul that I am here to bring the light of heaven down to earth so that suffering and confusion can cease to be. I am in a very privileged and honored position now to be working each day with beautiful souls that are choosing to grow and end their suffering. Quiet often these clients feel tattered and torn by life's experiences and events. It is my purpose and privilege to shine my light towards the light of my client so that their inner flame of pure spirit ignites and shines through.
I am a holder for the light, and that comes with great responsibility. I understand that I need to be eternally dedicated, consistent, diligent and conscious of all that I think do and say. It is my passion and purpose to serve others in the best way possible.
It is very important for us all to remember the truth of who we really are. We are spirit and we have chosen this earthly human experience. We live and operate with free will and sometimes we go away off our chosen course. Free will is a human privilege and without regular observation it is capable of steering us off course.
We need to polish up our inner spark and coax it to become a flame so that we may understand the beauty of life. Meditation is an excellent tool for quietening the mind and offering the spirit the space to ignite and burn off the pain of everyday living.
Live in the light- Therese
Friday, November 21, 2014
Step into your sweetness
Step into your sweetness
As I awoke in a simple, yet pretty Italian hotel room I was greeted by the sweetest smell of roses that you could possibly imagine. I understood that I was in the energy of a beautiful angelic presence. I asked the energy to make itself known to me so that I may embody the loving energy and use it for the highest good of myself and everybody I come in contact with.
It was Angel Celesticia and her message was so loving and so very sweet. I had never heard of that Angel before but I felt her love and knew she was just pure light. She spoke to me, as I lay on my bed in a totally present state, in a soft tone. I felt the soft warm loving sweet energy in every cell of my body. I was one with the energy as she conveyed a magnificent message to light-workers through me. I wrote with great speed as I assimilated her message.
“Dear loving child of God, I bring to you the sweet smell of powerful blooming roses so that you may open to the sweetness of the universe in its blissful entirety. I am with you as you are with me, offering your sweet love to the world.
Your heart and your mind understand sweetness and it is for this reason that I come to help you experience much more.
Sweetness and bliss are the loving energies I bring to you now, in your accepting state. I will help you to assimilate, embody and expand, expand, expand. Your presence is light and it is now time for you to turn up your flame, light the paths and experience the sweet blissful energies that I am sharing with you.
Dear child of God, you are ready and I rejoice, I sing, I love and I play. I now caress your inner child with many rose petals. Stay soft, stay strong, but most importantly of all right now is for you to remain sweet.
Your world is confused; man killing man, greed, hatred, selfishness, pride and a river of lower dark energies washing over your beautiful earth like a dense black blanket of low vibration. Man is in the illusion of separation and man will respond to the light vibration with continued gentle exposure. Bring your light to man, shine it brightly; touch all of those that meet you with your light. Serve humanity well in your own gentle and sweet way.
The world needs you and all your fellow light-workers right now to step up and into the sweetness of the high vibrational universal energies. It is our deepest wish for mankind to understand love, joy, peace and sweetness.
Go now to your inner light, turn up the switch and in your sweetness encourage all other light-workers to do the same. This is for the good of the entire human race.
The energy that you now know as Celesticia is with you to help you in a way that you are embodying at this present time. You do understand this energy and I will work through you to restore sweetness on the earth plane.
Grow light, grow love, grow peace and grow sweetness. Spread light, spread love, spread peace and spread sweetness. I am working with you and all light-workers right now so that all man can understand the need to consciously expand and live as one in perfect harmony and sweetness.
Stay on the path of the light-worker dear child, just stay on the path.
Love in the form of sweetness- Celesticia.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Percy’s trip to the moon and back
Percy’s trip to the moon and back:
My name is Sam and I am eight years old. I would really love to share a very special story with you about Percy and his owner, Mrs Shine.
Percy is the most beautiful black cat with eyes that twinkle like the stars on a clear night. When Percy is around everyone feels very happy and loving. He has a purr that makes your heart sing and he has a very unique way of making everybody feel very special. Percy’s owner, Mrs Shine, is also a very beautiful and endearing lady. She is the sweetest and kindest lady that I have ever met. She is always happy.
One day I asked her to tell me how she manages to look after her family, go to work and still find the time to chat to everyone about all the great things that life has to offer us. Mrs Shine smiled so warmly at me that I felt myself almost melt into her big bright and beautiful eyes.
Well now, dear child, she replied, sit down here and I will bring you some warm hot chocolate and cookies to enjoy while I tell you a very special story. I sat down on her soft velvet sofa and I could feel myself sinking into it as she arrived back with my treats. She handed me a beautiful cup with a gold rim that had marshmallows melting out over the top of it and a plateful of warm home-made cookies. As I tucked into my special treat, with the marshmallows slipping smoothly down my throat, Mrs Shine began to speak softly. Her words sounded like sweet music and my whole body began to feel warm and happy.
She said, “You have met my black cat Percy many times sweet child and I feel that it is the correct time to explain to you how special he is.” I was wondering how this was going to answer my question but her sweet voice allowed me to listen carefully without interrupting her.
“It was on Halloween night when Percy was only two years old that it all began. I noticed that Percy seemed very uneasy as my children played the Halloween games. He was scratching and scratching at the door to get out of the house. I opened the door to allow him out and my eyes could hardly believe what they were seeing! There, right before me was the most unusual thing that I had ever seen. I was a little frightened and quickly closed the door. I hurried to my bedroom to peek through the opening in the curtains and I could clearly see that a miniature space ship was parked right there in front of my eyes, in my back garden. I watched the roof open and the sky light up with an array of lights as Percy walked towards it. There was a beautiful white cat sitting inside and there were also many flashing lights. Percy jumped into it and sat beside the white cat, whose name was Snow White. The whole garden lit up with a whole range of coloured lights, red, orange, yellow, green, pink, blue, indigo, violet and brilliant white. My mind tried to convince me that it was fireworks but my heart knew the truth. This was not fireworks; it was really the lights from the spaceship.
Percy looked towards the window where I was peeking through and I am sure that he could see me as he offered a friendly me-ow. With a swish of his tail he buckled himself in and the roof of the ship closed down before it went up and up until it disappeared out of sight.
My heart was upset but yet very excited at the same time. Even though Percy was gone off in the space ship I knew that everything was happening for a reason and it felt very good. I kept very quiet about what I had seen, while I re-joined the family for Halloween fun, as I knew nobody would believe me.
I felt unusually tired that night and I couldn’t help wonder where Percy was and what he was doing. I lay in bed before sleep and I started thanking God for our family, our health, our life and all of the usual gratitude list. Just as I was falling off to sleep I made a big yawn and heard myself say, and thank you for bringing Percy back safely to us.
I fell asleep and in my sleep I began to dream. I could see Percy and Snow White in their ship heading straight for the moon. Everything looked so bright and so cheerful. My dream continued and then I saw them landing on the moon. I was really curious at this point and I couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen next.
The moonbeams were radiantly beautiful and amidst the array of beautiful colours I saw the lid of the ship lift up and out stepped Percy and Snow White. I could understand the cat language and listened to them speak about bringing moonbeams home to brighten up planet earth so that the humans could experience love, peace and happiness. I was really amused now and wondered how they planned to do that. My eyes could barely believe what happened next. They began to slowly breathe in the moonbeams. They were swallowing moonbeams and they were expanding in size. Their little bodies grew bigger and bigger until eventually they began to roll around like footballs. They bounced and bounced all over the moon and finally bounced their way back to the ship and into their seats. The dream continued and then I saw them place a robot outside of the ship to collect moon dust. The roof closed when all of this was complete and they began their journey back down to earth. They landed in my back garden once again and poor Percy fell out and bounced around for a while before blowing out all of the light. It filled up our home and all the homes for as far as I could see. Snow White also rolled out and off she went, bouncing all the way to the other side of town before she also blew out all of the light into the homes of many.
They then began to sprinkle magic moon dust on all the roads to keep the humans safe on their travels. When they finished the roads they sprinkled schools, hospitals, and all buildings with the magic dust. I heard them say that this dust lights up the dark and that it helps people to feel safe, happy and loved. Percy also sprinkled the magic dust on the window sills of every house on the street and this lit up all the homes and filled them with happy thoughts and feelings.”
My heart was dancing and my mind filled with happy thoughts as Mrs Shine placed a soft warm hand on my head. “It’s getting late and your mom may be looking for you”, she whispered. I thanked her and said; “now I understand and I also know why they call you Mrs Shine.” I hurried home to tell my family the magical story of LIGHT!
Monday, October 20, 2014
You and I in essence are love
You and I in our essence are love:
The purpose behind everything I do is to raise human consciousness to a state of love .It is with pure joy and love that I write these words that you are now reading. There is a seed of Divinity within every human being that’s craving to be honoured and nurtured in a compassionate and caring manner .This is our internal flame of love, our innate wisdom and power. This is really where our true strength and self- esteem resides. We are all capable of turning our attention inwards to that love essence and using it in our outward everyday human experiences. The ego, lower self, will diminish as the divine grows within you.
There are times when we live in the shadow of love and feel great fears and lower vibrational emotions. This often leaves us with cellular level energetic blockages that may distort our love for life and indeed our whole map of the world as we know it. Meaning and purpose can become immersed in a dense fog, while we drift aimlessly through life. We always have choice available to us and it is only through a change in our human consciousness that we can explore and expand our state of consciousness from fear to love.
Create your own religion and call it love, allow it to be all inclusive, beautiful, loving and peaceful. Let go of and rid yourself of all judgements, criticism and blame and allow yourself to be that burning light that lights up the whole world. Allow your higher self to see the unfolding of the divine in everyone and everything. Be in the silence of meditation and get to know God. Be that person that reaches out to others in the name of love. It is the intensity of our own light that will open the doors to our personal and planetary alignment. Manage the spirit that’s housed in your physical body, by filling it with joy, love and inner peace. Offer up that love and kindness to all of humanity in a way of service. It may feel uncomfortable at first but once conscious awareness and momentum get moving, we become deliberate creators of a life that understands, desires and demands love as the goal. Love knows no divides, agendas or conditions; it is simple, pure and readily available to all of us at all times.
It is important to remember that Love and Justice have the power over all lower energetic vibrations by choosing to live in an authentic fashion and disciplining ourselves to look for the love in everything and everybody we are on the path to living a life filled with joy, love and happiness. Become consciously aware of your vibrational reality in every given moment. Harness all the great empowering moments and release all the lower disempowering moments. Make time for yourself and connect with the limitless love and truth within you. Open up your heart and promise to let it remain open. Appreciate your greatness and dissolve all limitations. Look after all aspects of your health, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. Nurture the whole body, please remember the soul food. Care about everything and everyone. Show love and respect for the ocean, the earth, the birds, the bees, the animals, your neighbours, children, loved ones and of course you!
We are here for each other- don’t miss the moment.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
What matters most
What matters most?
This may consciously be a burning question at certain times in our lives and it is always of paramount importance in the deeper parts of our unconscious and subconscious. In writing this article I merely wish to remind myself and all of my readers that our natural state is a state of joy, a state of love and ultimately a state of freedom from all the lower energetic states. Well-being is our natural state of being and when we reach for the feeling of well-being before anything else, everything else follows. To experience well-being we must be in a state of joy, so it is necessary to set our inner tuner to that frequency.
At soul level we have an innate knowing that we are here on this glorious earth, experiencing this magnificent human experience, as extensions of source energy. We understand that we are much more than this physical body that we presently inhabit, we are really a creative extension of pure Divine loving energy. Our soul communicates with us through the power of our emotional guiding system. I always like to think of our emotions as our fuel for life. If we fill up our motor vehicle with the wrong fuel it will struggle to take us on our journey, likewise if we fill up our beautiful beings with thoughts that are not in vibrational harmony with our overall intent, we will undoubtedly feel negative emotions and struggle to get to our destination.
I believe that what matters most is that we trust our inner guidance. Most of us have layers and layers of the opinions of others, teachers, parents, peers, boss etc, weighing very heavily on our own intuitive guiding system. We may even have set our own intuitive guiding system aside and are now living a life based upon the opinions and teachings of others. Our self-assertiveness and self-compassion may be so low that we are convinced of our unworthiness and are afraid to move forward with full trust in our guiding system, feeling that others know better what is appropriate for us. This is really like trying to hammer the square peg of another into our round whole, causing confusion and frustration.
I would like to offer some suggestions to help us align with our own inner intuitive guidance.
1. Open your heart and allow yourself to feel the fullness of your emotions, especially all those that originate in love. As you continue to do this you will feel the richness of life coming to you in its many different forms.
2. Make a commitment to having a healthy relationship with yourself and with the source that created you. Meditation really helps us to get in touch with the highest aspects of our self and with the universal supply of love.
3. Acknowledge all of your thoughts and feelings and reach out to yourself in a self-compassionate and gentle way.
4. Monitor your emotions daily and make a commitment to reaching for those good feeling thoughts that bring you abundance of joy, love, peace and a host of higher emotions.
5. Create a bank account of self-awareness, self-compassion, assertiveness and self-love. Learn to become your own best friend by trusting in your inner guidance.
6. Learn to always speak your truth in a loving and kind fashion, filled with grace and blessings.
7. Get out into nature and experience the oneness with this great life force energy. Learn to trust in your wholeness just like nature does, nothing is forced, judged or out of place.
8. Get clear about your intentions and what you really want to have in your life and enable the universal law to get to work on your behalf. Deliberate thought will harness the power of the universe to offer you that which you intend.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Take Back Your Power CD
This beautiful CD may be purchased on my website- www.lightingtheways.com. Postage and Packing included for Irish and UK customers.
It has 65 minutes of playing time, featuring 5 individual tracks. The main meditation and the two prayers are all channeled through me from the angelic realm.
I am blessed to be in a position to be of service in this way.
Very soon they will be available on itunes and CD baby but for now I would like to offer the original hard copies to you!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Angels are waiting to help you raise your consciousness
It is so nice to understand that humanity is now becoming conscious of its own consciousness. Each and every one of us is awakening and becoming conscious of our consciousness. This energetic shift is going to take humanity to the next natural stage of evolution. Some of us are struggling and fighting against it, which is making life very painful and frustrating, while others are beginning to allow the magic to unfold.
The Angels are here supporting you and helping you to raise your consciousness. Please ask for their help in raising your consciousness to a point of purity, a point of love, a point of interconnectedness where instant manifestation becomes the norm. At first this may seem a little too good to be true, but with practice and dedication it will become fluid and easy.
There is but one key that will open up all the doors for you to fully move on and become all that you can be. This key is not a secret key, as some of you may imagine it to be. This is the universal key to all that is, all that was and all that ever will be. Use this key to open up your awareness and understanding of your own Divine consciousness. This key is known to you as LOVE, and it is the key to your magnificent multi-dimensionality.
It is now time for you to throw of the shackles of fear and all other lower vibrations and reach for this key in a moment of blissful bravery. Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened to you, the door to love, bliss, peace, joy, abundance, happiness and all the higher vibrations.
Imagine a rose that has been blooming in your garden for some time, with the outer petals somewhat tattered and torn by life. Imagine you have this rose in your hands and you begin to peel off the outer layers of petals. Now allow yourself to visualise the beautiful core of perfection that is presenting to you as a perfectly unspoilt rosebud. It is now time for you to apply this analogy to your life here on planet earth. Close your eyes for a moment and see yourself, just like the rose, tattered and torn with the circumstances and experiences that you have so far lived through. Just for a moment longer imagine that you have the ability to peel off all those outer layers of pain, anger, regrets, beliefs, conditioning, protection etc and now at your core you will re-discover your true essence, your unconditional loving spirit, your all-knowing magnificent self.
Are you ready to truly begin your journey to purity, to love and to connecting and aligning to the wisdom that has created you? This is the journey that can lead to instant peace and manifestation. At first it will take effort, and dedicated commitment but you can do it.
Connect with your angels, guides or chosen deities and honestly ask for their help in assisting you to master the understanding of who you really are. They will instantly come to assist you and you will be offered many opportunities and tools that will provide you with the necessary power to comprehend your evolution so that you may move forward gracefully in a state of purity and love. Have confidence in yourself and most importantly have confidence in the universal, all knowing, I am presence.
Begin by consciously fuelling and filling your vessel with light so that you may walk the path of unconditional love. Each day make a commitment to yourself to operate from that well of love that resides within you. It is necessary, at all times, to honour and nurture your physical vessel so that your vibrational energy is conducive to your spiritual growth and evolution. Choose foods that energise your body and avoid all foods that lower your vibrational frequency. Drink adequate pure water, exercise regularly, be mindful of your thoughts by paying close attention to your feelings. Take time to commune with nature and establish a daily mediation practice. Be kind with your thoughts, your words and your actions. Allow yourself to be of service to others in a way that’s perfect and right for you. What matters most in life is not about what you get back, it’s about what you give out.
It is imperative that you send much light and love to your lower chakras and transcend the energy from your heart centre. Send love and gratitude from your heart to the angelic realm, while connecting to the highest part of you. Allow a globe of violet light to quench your thirst on a regular basis thereby transmuting any and all of the lower vibrational energies so that your vibration will incrementally grow to a state of love.
Day by day and week by week you will become more aware of your personal confidence and power growing. You will also benefit from the higher vibrational feelings of contentment, happiness and peace. You will notice that you are truly becoming conscious of your consciousness.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Angels are waiting to help you raise your consciousness
It is so nice to understand that humanity is now becoming conscious of its own consciousness. Each and every one of us is awakening and becoming conscious of our consciousness. This energetic shift is going to take humanity to the next natural stage of evolution. Some of us are struggling and fighting against it, which is making life very painful and frustrating, while others are beginning to allow the magic to unfold.
The Angels are here supporting you and helping you to raise your consciousness. Please ask for their help in raising your consciousness to a point of purity, a point of love, a point of interconnectedness where instant manifestation becomes the norm. At first this may seem a little too good to be true, but with practice and dedication it will become fluid and easy.
There is but one key that will open up all the doors for you to fully move on and become all that you can be. This key is not a secret key, as some of you may imagine it to be. This is the universal key to all that is, all that was and all that ever will be. Use this key to open up your awareness and understanding of your own Divine consciousness. This key is known to you as LOVE, and it is the key to your magnificent multi-dimensionality.
It is now time for you to throw of the shackles of fear and all other lower vibrations and reach for this key in a moment of blissful bravery. Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened to you, the door to love, bliss, peace, joy, abundance, happiness and all the higher vibrations.
Imagine a rose that has been blooming in your garden for some time, with the outer petals somewhat tattered and torn by life. Imagine you have this rose in your hands and you begin to peel off the outer layers of petals. Now allow yourself to visualise the beautiful core of perfection that is presenting to you as a perfectly unspoilt rosebud. It is now time for you to apply this analogy to your life here on planet earth. Close your eyes for a moment and see yourself, just like the rose, tattered and torn with the circumstances and experiences that you have so far lived through. Just for a moment longer imagine that you have the ability to peel off all those outer layers of pain, anger, regrets, beliefs, conditioning, protection etc and now at your core you will re-discover your true essence, your unconditional loving spirit, your all-knowing magnificent self.
Are you ready to truly begin your journey to purity, to love and to connecting and aligning to the wisdom that has created you? This is the journey that can lead to instant peace and manifestation. At first it will take effort, and dedicated commitment but you can do it.
Connect with your angels, guides or chosen deities and honestly ask for their help in assisting you to master the understanding of who you really are. They will instantly come to assist you and you will be offered many opportunities and tools that will provide you with the necessary power to comprehend your evolution so that you may move forward gracefully in a state of purity and love. Have confidence in yourself and most importantly have confidence in the universal, all knowing, I am presence.
Monday, July 14, 2014
2 motivating forces
There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life."
— John Lennon
We are as one!
We are as one:
Today is my day; just like it’s your day- therefore we are as one with today being our day.
Flapping water on the sea-shore is the background music to all of the children’s laughter and screams, to the sound of the ball as it comes in contact with a swift foot, to the sound of the birds and to the soft gentle breeze that pleases all of its recipients. White feathers, blue skies, soft fluffy clouds and a rippling shoreline painted just now for me to enjoy.
My soul sings as I breathe the breath of life-force air while wrapped in a cloak of soft warm hazy sunshine. Sandcastles, spades, buckets, wind-breakers, people of all ages colour and creed stretched out on this universal tapestry right before my eyes. A curious mind now befriends my grateful heart as I quietly ask about my next step in this endearing world.
Stay calm of mind and heart and each step will arrive to you in a way that you WILL understand. You are doing very well dear child, it is very important to acknowledge the great service that you are at this time offering to humanity. Continue to open your heart as you honour the Divinity within you. Each morning as you awaken and each night before sleep I will visit your heart and you will feel it as a warm feeling of love and peace.
Just as you watch the gentle ripples of the powerful ocean so too will you watch the gentle love of the powerful universal force expand and blossom within you.
With each deep breath of gratitude you will develop anew and understand from the deep well of wisdom that dwells within your heart and soul. Your heart is the lamp and your soul is the Divine spark within your lamp. Fan the flames by breathing in the gratitude for all of life, by surrounding yourself with people who honour and respect your Divinity, and by repeatedly aligning to your source of all creation.
What you see in the ocean, the sky, the birds, the children, the mountains, the flame etc is also within you. Each day, at least once, stop everything for a few moments and just be. This will allow you to strengthen your alignment to all that is, all that was and all that ever will be- Amen.
Friday, January 3, 2014
Healing Angels Workshops 2014:
Healing Angels Workshop January 5th in Malahide Co Dublin-
Description The new year is an ideal time to set new goals and make plans for the 12 months ahead: This is an ideal opportunity for you to plan your year ahead!
Facilitated by Therese Mc Auliffe: Life/Business Coach MLBCAI
IET Master Instructor, Certified Angel Therapist (with Charles Virtue) and Energy Healer
Would you like to start the new year off with positive loving inspirational energy?
Would you like Angelic guidance to help you get clear and set realistic goals?
Would you like a full day of guided Angelic meditations and healing?
Would you like to give yourself or a friend the gift of a beautiful Angelic day?
We will invoke the energy of the Angels for our highest good and highest purpose to enable self healing and inspirational guidance. This is a most rewarding and enjoyable day of sheer bliss. It would make an ideal Christmas gift for yourself or a loved one.
Tea, coffee, snacks, a workbook and Certificate from The Center of Being in America are all included.
Cost: 100 euro
Repeats: 50 euro
Groups of 4 or more 80 euro
Deposits please: www.lightingtheways.com
Gift vouchers are available on request.
Freedom to Focus with Archangel Zadkiel
This beautiful channeled healing, from Archangel Zadkiel, offers you the "Freedom to Focus" on what matters most in life. This is a very powerful guided visualisation, which helps you to focus on compassion, mercy, forgiveness and a remembrance of your infinite magnificence.
Buy now: www.lightingtheways.com
A new perspective
Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself.
Everybody has a spark of genius and healing within as we are all eternally powerful beings.
I believe that self love is at the core of all well-being, joy, peace and empowerment. By having loving feelings towards ourselves we offer our-self the equipment to do the things that we feel good about. The great thing about this cyclical nature is that we don't have to wait another moment to begin creating the life of our dreams. I have a joyous eagerness for life and I would like to share some tips that help me to appreciate the joy of life.
Step forward and let your faith be bigger than yourself.
Live in the present moment and enjoy all the moments no matter what.
Be willing to learn something new everyday.
Allows follow the wisdom of your heart.
Do more of what makes you happy- don't put it off!
Believe in magic and you will find it.
Become passionately curious about all of life, including yourself.
Love yourself especially when you feel that you least deserve it as that is when you need it most.
Be kind to yourself and others always.
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
Stop all judgement and replace it with a healthy curiosity.
Look for the best things all around you and see those things becoming more prevelant in your experience.
Surround yourself with people that pull you up and make you happy.
and notice the beauty.
Share your love with others unconditionally.
Connect to your highest source of Divinity in a way that's perfect and right for you.
Immerse yourself in nature and become aware of the oneness that created you.
Find meaningful work and love what you do.
Meditate often.
Find the gift within painful situations
Shift your life from ambition to meaning!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Marianne Williamson
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