Tuesday, September 23, 2014
What matters most
What matters most?
This may consciously be a burning question at certain times in our lives and it is always of paramount importance in the deeper parts of our unconscious and subconscious. In writing this article I merely wish to remind myself and all of my readers that our natural state is a state of joy, a state of love and ultimately a state of freedom from all the lower energetic states. Well-being is our natural state of being and when we reach for the feeling of well-being before anything else, everything else follows. To experience well-being we must be in a state of joy, so it is necessary to set our inner tuner to that frequency.
At soul level we have an innate knowing that we are here on this glorious earth, experiencing this magnificent human experience, as extensions of source energy. We understand that we are much more than this physical body that we presently inhabit, we are really a creative extension of pure Divine loving energy. Our soul communicates with us through the power of our emotional guiding system. I always like to think of our emotions as our fuel for life. If we fill up our motor vehicle with the wrong fuel it will struggle to take us on our journey, likewise if we fill up our beautiful beings with thoughts that are not in vibrational harmony with our overall intent, we will undoubtedly feel negative emotions and struggle to get to our destination.
I believe that what matters most is that we trust our inner guidance. Most of us have layers and layers of the opinions of others, teachers, parents, peers, boss etc, weighing very heavily on our own intuitive guiding system. We may even have set our own intuitive guiding system aside and are now living a life based upon the opinions and teachings of others. Our self-assertiveness and self-compassion may be so low that we are convinced of our unworthiness and are afraid to move forward with full trust in our guiding system, feeling that others know better what is appropriate for us. This is really like trying to hammer the square peg of another into our round whole, causing confusion and frustration.
I would like to offer some suggestions to help us align with our own inner intuitive guidance.
1. Open your heart and allow yourself to feel the fullness of your emotions, especially all those that originate in love. As you continue to do this you will feel the richness of life coming to you in its many different forms.
2. Make a commitment to having a healthy relationship with yourself and with the source that created you. Meditation really helps us to get in touch with the highest aspects of our self and with the universal supply of love.
3. Acknowledge all of your thoughts and feelings and reach out to yourself in a self-compassionate and gentle way.
4. Monitor your emotions daily and make a commitment to reaching for those good feeling thoughts that bring you abundance of joy, love, peace and a host of higher emotions.
5. Create a bank account of self-awareness, self-compassion, assertiveness and self-love. Learn to become your own best friend by trusting in your inner guidance.
6. Learn to always speak your truth in a loving and kind fashion, filled with grace and blessings.
7. Get out into nature and experience the oneness with this great life force energy. Learn to trust in your wholeness just like nature does, nothing is forced, judged or out of place.
8. Get clear about your intentions and what you really want to have in your life and enable the universal law to get to work on your behalf. Deliberate thought will harness the power of the universe to offer you that which you intend.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Take Back Your Power CD
This beautiful CD may be purchased on my website- www.lightingtheways.com. Postage and Packing included for Irish and UK customers.
It has 65 minutes of playing time, featuring 5 individual tracks. The main meditation and the two prayers are all channeled through me from the angelic realm.
I am blessed to be in a position to be of service in this way.
Very soon they will be available on itunes and CD baby but for now I would like to offer the original hard copies to you!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Angels are waiting to help you raise your consciousness
It is so nice to understand that humanity is now becoming conscious of its own consciousness. Each and every one of us is awakening and becoming conscious of our consciousness. This energetic shift is going to take humanity to the next natural stage of evolution. Some of us are struggling and fighting against it, which is making life very painful and frustrating, while others are beginning to allow the magic to unfold.
The Angels are here supporting you and helping you to raise your consciousness. Please ask for their help in raising your consciousness to a point of purity, a point of love, a point of interconnectedness where instant manifestation becomes the norm. At first this may seem a little too good to be true, but with practice and dedication it will become fluid and easy.
There is but one key that will open up all the doors for you to fully move on and become all that you can be. This key is not a secret key, as some of you may imagine it to be. This is the universal key to all that is, all that was and all that ever will be. Use this key to open up your awareness and understanding of your own Divine consciousness. This key is known to you as LOVE, and it is the key to your magnificent multi-dimensionality.
It is now time for you to throw of the shackles of fear and all other lower vibrations and reach for this key in a moment of blissful bravery. Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened to you, the door to love, bliss, peace, joy, abundance, happiness and all the higher vibrations.
Imagine a rose that has been blooming in your garden for some time, with the outer petals somewhat tattered and torn by life. Imagine you have this rose in your hands and you begin to peel off the outer layers of petals. Now allow yourself to visualise the beautiful core of perfection that is presenting to you as a perfectly unspoilt rosebud. It is now time for you to apply this analogy to your life here on planet earth. Close your eyes for a moment and see yourself, just like the rose, tattered and torn with the circumstances and experiences that you have so far lived through. Just for a moment longer imagine that you have the ability to peel off all those outer layers of pain, anger, regrets, beliefs, conditioning, protection etc and now at your core you will re-discover your true essence, your unconditional loving spirit, your all-knowing magnificent self.
Are you ready to truly begin your journey to purity, to love and to connecting and aligning to the wisdom that has created you? This is the journey that can lead to instant peace and manifestation. At first it will take effort, and dedicated commitment but you can do it.
Connect with your angels, guides or chosen deities and honestly ask for their help in assisting you to master the understanding of who you really are. They will instantly come to assist you and you will be offered many opportunities and tools that will provide you with the necessary power to comprehend your evolution so that you may move forward gracefully in a state of purity and love. Have confidence in yourself and most importantly have confidence in the universal, all knowing, I am presence.
Begin by consciously fuelling and filling your vessel with light so that you may walk the path of unconditional love. Each day make a commitment to yourself to operate from that well of love that resides within you. It is necessary, at all times, to honour and nurture your physical vessel so that your vibrational energy is conducive to your spiritual growth and evolution. Choose foods that energise your body and avoid all foods that lower your vibrational frequency. Drink adequate pure water, exercise regularly, be mindful of your thoughts by paying close attention to your feelings. Take time to commune with nature and establish a daily mediation practice. Be kind with your thoughts, your words and your actions. Allow yourself to be of service to others in a way that’s perfect and right for you. What matters most in life is not about what you get back, it’s about what you give out.
It is imperative that you send much light and love to your lower chakras and transcend the energy from your heart centre. Send love and gratitude from your heart to the angelic realm, while connecting to the highest part of you. Allow a globe of violet light to quench your thirst on a regular basis thereby transmuting any and all of the lower vibrational energies so that your vibration will incrementally grow to a state of love.
Day by day and week by week you will become more aware of your personal confidence and power growing. You will also benefit from the higher vibrational feelings of contentment, happiness and peace. You will notice that you are truly becoming conscious of your consciousness.
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