Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Great to be of service!

I first met Therese in 2004 and even then I knew there was something very special about this vibrant woman. Unfortunately, at that time our relationship didn't develop and I was delighted when our paths crossed again in May 2012. One meeting led to another and we found that we had similar interests and a natural connection. Little by little, I began to glimpse the extent of Therese's talents and interests and, believe me, they were many and varied! In October I participated in the Level 1 and 2 IET Training and this has transformed my life. I look forward to working with Therese on the final part of this training over the next few weeks. During a highly stressful time for me last year, I attend a 6 week stress management class and it was amazing. This would have to be experienced to be fully understood but the sense of peace and tranquility I experienced was something that I never expected, but wholly appreciated and continue to cherish. I plan to participate in many more of Therese's training and personal development programmes and look forward to each with gusto. Therese approaches every event with enthusiasm and a sense of wonder. She is multi-talented, compassionate, non-judgemental and so much fun to be around! Eilish


  1. Here here Therese is absolutely amazing. My own life has totally changed for the better since I met her a few months ago! X

  2. Thanks Martina! xx you're a little shining star yourself-
