Thursday, February 21, 2013


I continue to keep great things in my life by continuing to appreciate them and I am aware that to create the other things that I really would like to have in my life that I must give clear, emotion-provoking, positive and deliberate thoughts to it. Today I am fulfilling my dreams by offering my greatest gifts to the world.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

To avoid a mind filled with pollution, I I practice focusing on the solution!

Great to be of service!

I first met Therese in 2004 and even then I knew there was something very special about this vibrant woman. Unfortunately, at that time our relationship didn't develop and I was delighted when our paths crossed again in May 2012. One meeting led to another and we found that we had similar interests and a natural connection. Little by little, I began to glimpse the extent of Therese's talents and interests and, believe me, they were many and varied! In October I participated in the Level 1 and 2 IET Training and this has transformed my life. I look forward to working with Therese on the final part of this training over the next few weeks. During a highly stressful time for me last year, I attend a 6 week stress management class and it was amazing. This would have to be experienced to be fully understood but the sense of peace and tranquility I experienced was something that I never expected, but wholly appreciated and continue to cherish. I plan to participate in many more of Therese's training and personal development programmes and look forward to each with gusto. Therese approaches every event with enthusiasm and a sense of wonder. She is multi-talented, compassionate, non-judgemental and so much fun to be around! Eilish

Friday, January 18, 2013

Thursday, January 17, 2013

I am opening my eyes to see the beauty that surrounds me at all times, I am blessed!

Monday, January 14, 2013

I am divinely blessed and guided at all times and I am grateful for my awareness.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Quotes by Therese

Each morning I greet the day with a smile and an inner knowing that I have the freedom to choose all of my experiences.T. Mc. Auliffe

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Words of wisdom January 2013

Inspiration Just like the saying goes:Spring has sprung,our new year has finally begun! Today as I embraced a long walk over muddy hills and valleys, road, rock and beach I became inspired to write out a few words of wisdom for each month of this precious year, which marks the beginning of a whole new beautiful golden age. January is the perfect time for action and non-action, to set strong unwavering foundations for the year ahead. This journey was a stark reminder for me to always enjoy the peace of present moment living.This soft muddy terrain demanded that I carefully choose each and every next step at a steady focused pace and it was by this focused concentration that I found myself entering the tranquil, blissful energetic state of being in the moment. I agree that's its necessary to take action before any change can be implemented but is it action or non-action that's actually needed! Mindful living allows us to make deliberate choices and to become inspired by our own heart's intelligence. Inspired living offers us many insights and when we apply them in our lives it allows us to live from the spirit, which liberates us from suffering and ego based fears. We are all capable of determining what helps us to live from the place of spirit. I realise that immersing myself in nature is one sure way that helps me to connect to the quiet place of spirit within. Living an inspired life allows us to discover our true self. The universal voice begins to speak to us and points out our true purpose for being here when we can be in the present moment energy. Spirit is alive within us- inspired living is a choice!When we keep life simple it really helps us to to make inspired living easy. There is a built in yearning in each and every one of us to discover our true calling. When we are inspired we feel great joy and creativity becomes very easy for us. We become tolerant with others and more peaceful when connected to our source energy. It allows us to become uncritical of the behaviors of others that may normally aggravate us. Our own energy vibration raises and we then experience much more peace, joy, love and contentment. Allowing ourselves to become quiet with concentrated focus is one of the easiest ways to allow inspired thoughts to flow through us. We are all capable of living in alignment to the universal source. Meditation and being of service to others are but two ways of suspending the ego and operating from the heart. Each and everyone of us has an obligation to watch our thoughts and behaviors. To become inspired on a daily basis we must first become familiar with noticing our thoughts and making a U turn whenever necessary. When we change unhealthy thoughts for healthy ones we make an alignment correction and this leads us to experiencing a much more peaceful, loving and abundant life that's filled with expansion and beauty. As a Spiritual coach and healer I am very aware of my need to live from the heart. Our true natures shines through when we operate from our heart. It's necessary for me to align with source energy every day. By being sincerely grateful for my rich and loving life I am constantly creating an ever enriching life. To conclude I would like to offer you some of the methods that I use to connect to source, so that you too may live an enriched peaceful life. * Being of service to others and giving without expectations * Spending time in nature offers me peace and simplicity * Practicing meditation, visualisations and yoga * Having conversations with the Angels, Guides and God * Holistically looking after my health: Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual * Practicing mindfulness * Shifting my thoughts to energetically align to a peaceful feeling * Teaching myself to become more compassionate and loving Keep in mind that Love attracts Love, Peace attracts Peace, Joy attracts Joy and so on!!!!!!!!!!
"If you cant do great things, do small things in a great way" Napoleon Hill