Life coaching is a practice of assisting people to determine and achieve their personal & professional goals. Professionally trained coaches will use a variety of methods, tailored to the individual client, to move through the process of setting and reaching their goals with an over all intention of achieving fulfillment and balance throughout the process.
Life coaches are not therapists or psychologists (although some therapists have also gone into life coaching). It is not the coach's job to "fix" you. Life Coaches work from the assumption that people are naturally creative, resourceful and whole, and that most of us deep down inside, know what we want and / or need to do to be happy.
Sometimes, we just need a little guidance to find out what those things are and a nudge or "kick in the butt" in the right direction. A coach will also hold you accountable to do the things you commit to doing, not from a place of judgment or blame. but from a place of wanting to see you grab the brass ring of your desire and know that you have earned it.
It matters far less why you are where you are now than it does to discover where you would most like to be, what steps must be taken to begin following that path and what is in the way of taking those steps. The coach is not there to "solve your problems" for you.
A coach is there to sit beside you and guide you to discovering who you are when you are your "best". Your coach wants to find out what you are truly passionate about and what your "higher or future self" truly wants and needs.
Once we know what it is that your heart desires, we will explore and discover what is in the way of you taking steps along that path to happiness and fulfillment in all areas of your life.
Coaching gives you the power to manage the changes in your life from the inside out. It creates easy changes in positive and powerful ways. It’s is a way to realise your true potential, through a process of uncovering and then eliminating destructive behavioural and thinking patterns in your life – in a supportive, caring and inspirational environment. It facilitates you in moving forward and being the best that you can be, it allows you to control and determine the quality of your own life. It allows you to replace fear with courage and determination. The form of coaching promoted by the LBCAI is helping, forward focused, responsible and healthy, where the client’s agenda is of paramount importance and the coach operates in a non-judgmental and non-directional manner. “Accomplishing anything important involves risk, and therefore fear. But if you let the fear dominate, you’d never take any risks, and therefore you wouldn't accomplish anything”. – Deepak Chopra
It allows you to find the key to unlock your dreams!!!!!!!!
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