Thursday, September 24, 2015
Perfect love is the love we feel inside in that all knowing, all caring, kind encompassing self. When we talk about love we often confuse it with the love that is experienced between two people and forget about the great energy of untainted, pure love as an energy that supports all of life-force. Love is the most powerful and still the most unknown energy of the world.
St Francis , in his famous prayer once said-“ Where there is hatred, let me sow love”, just imagine if most of the human population choose to act like this, what a wonderful planet we would create. That idea starts individually with each and every one of us. We are not separate from anyone or anything in this world; therefore by aligning our highest self with the energy of love, we inevitably send a ripple of powerful energy into the universe, which supports all living things. We are given the free-will to choose freely and by choosing love over all, we open ourselves up to living from extraordinary levels of consciousness.
We have been trained and conditioned to live from ordinary levels of consciousness. What you have believed to be true as a result of training has got you to ordinary levels of consciousness but deep inside each one of us lives a spirit that is waiting to be expressed in its highest form. Love is all encompassing and all powerful, once you become it, it becomes you.
Earth is really crammed with the Love of Heaven. Look at the oceans, the mountains, the lakes, the wild flowers, the birds, the bees, the wild animals, our pets, and pause for a moment to consider how all of this magnificent creation happened.
For a moment consider that God is not an external subject and open to seeing God all around you, every day in everything. Open up your heart, free your spirit and feel the love of God within you, as you. Every creature has the potential to become a creator. Begin to live each day from a place of love, and fear will automatically fade into the past. When we take a candle into a darkened room the darkness disappears and the light makes everything clearer and brighter.
Behind all the evils in the world is the pain of the wounded and disconnected heart. The French spiritual teacher Arnaud Desjardins once wrote “ There are no bad people in the world, only badly loved people”. When children feel unloved, rejected or abandoned they grow up with a deep open wound which frequently leads to much misery, pain and self-destructive behaviours, along with an inability to really love themselves or anyone else. Arrogance, self-centeredness and pride are all meek attempts to make one feel special as a way to compensate for lack of genuine self- love. If we all knew ourselves as truly loveable people the vibration of our planet would raise instantly and significantly.
We really need to begin with loving the self. Each day remind yourself that you were created as a spirit that is pure love. Each time you find yourself having any unloving thoughts, make a u turn by simply reminding yourself of the fact that you are pure love at your core. Tap into that invisible, all knowing, all loving part of you and choose to live a God realised life. In the stillness connect with that spark of Divinity that lies within you and grow it until it becomes a burning flame of pure love. Allow the Divine to grow and grow until you realise that you are eternal love.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Clearing your Energy Centers:
Energy is like a river, constantly flowing- sometimes flooded and frantic and at other times slow and peaceful.
The human energy system is a system that focuses on a potential to heal ourselves with the infinite power that’s available to each and every one of us.
In my opinion, healing is really about letting go of the past, transforming our energy blockages from fear to love, and expressing the peaceful result in our everyday lives. We are all born with unique and special creative qualities and it becomes easy to express them when we have free-flowing energy coursing through our invisible energetic system. A nourished, well-functioning energetic self is the real power of who we are. A body free of energetic blockages determines the quality of the life we lead and the amount of pure joy and love that we have to offer in return.
Life force energy is abundantly and relentlessly available to each one of us for both our own personal healing and to assist in the healing of others. We need to become involved and committed in our own inner healing. Balance and wellness is easily restored once we find a way to repair and release any blockages in our energy system. It is really by learning to connect with our true essence that we find true health and well-being.
I myself use a variety of ways to release blockages and align with my soul. It is necessary to dedicate time and attention, on a daily basis, to improving our operating system which will allow our energy to flow freely, thus restoring equilibrium. We can clear expressions of the past in many ways and today I will concentrate on one technique. I will focus on clearing any blockages that we may have in our energy centers by bringing energy up and down through our energetic body to help the energy to flow freely in a healthy manner. I will assist you in utilizing the energy of earth and spirit for your personal well-being. I will guide you in bringing the healing energy from the base of your spine, all the way up along your spine, and through each chakra, to the crown of your head.
This energy will help to clear undigested thoughts, past experiences and negative emotions:
Relax and enjoy the clearing and energizing!
Let’s begin by bringing attention to the breath. Becoming aware of the breath helps you to connect with yourself and it brings you more into your body.
Imagine that with each inhalation you are breathing in Peace, Joy and Love and that with each breath out you are releasing everything that no longer serves you well. Continue to breath softly for a few moments and allow your body to feel totally supported and at ease.
Now imagine that there is an energy center in the bottom of each foot, with a grounding cord running all the way down into the center of the earth. Use the power of your imagination to follow this cord all the way down to the core of the earth.
Here, in the center of the earth is highly concentrated magnetic, mother earth energy. Draw this powerful strong earth energy up through your grounding cords. Visualize it moving up through your feet, through your legs and up into your spine. Feel the warm, nurturing earth energy slowly but steadily move into your first or base chakra at the bottom of your spine. Your unconscious mind knows how to open your energy centers. Allow your base chakra to now open and fill with warm, smooth, strong, healing earth energy. Feel the sensations of the energy in this part of your body.
The first center relates to physical body, survival, instincts and stability. It represents our deepest connection with the earth and the magnetic essence. This center is also concerned with protection and it’s our foundation for energy.
See the energy flow upward to the second or sacral chakra and allow this center to open fully now. Feel the strong, warm nurturing energy of the earth flow into and fill up this entire energy center.
This center has two parts, the lower part has to do with sexuality and the upper part is the center for emotions and gut feelings. Feel the sensations of the energy in this part of your body.
Continue to see the energy flowing upward to the solar-plexus or third chakra.
Open up this energy center and allow the third center to fill with warm, strong, feminine, healing earth energy. Feel the energy in this area of your body.
The third center is called the will center and relates to our sense of identity and our will. It is the center that governs our personal power, our sense of self-esteem, warrior energy and the power of transformation.
Continue to draw the energy up into the center of your chest, to your heart chakra. Open the fourth center, the heart center, and allow it to fill with the warm, magnetic, nurturing, strong healing energy of the earth. Spend some time visualizing this center filling up with energy and as it does it becomes more and more expanded.
The fourth center is the center for unconditional love. It is the wellspring of love, compassion, warmth and joy. It is the center of our deep connection and bonds with others. It is your personal healing center, your sense of caring, your feelings of self-love, generosity, kindness and respect. Feel all the sensations now of heart energy.
Continue to draw the energy still higher, into your throat chakra, the fifth center. Open up this energy center now and feel your throat filling with warm, strong, smooth, healing earth energy.
This center has to do with communication, the faculty of clairaudience, the channeling of words, and our creative expression in this world. This center rules self-expression and speaking one’s truth. It is also known as the center of purification, this is where energy becomes transformed into our manifestations in our physical world.
Breathe softly and continue to draw the earth energy up into the center of your head, the pituitary gland, the third eye, and open the third eye chakra, or sixth center. Now allow your whole head to fill with the nurturing, strong, warm, feminine, earth energy.
The sixth center has to do with knowledge, wisdom and intuition. It is also the center for clairvoyance. Sense the feeling of the warm earth energy here.
Continue to see the energy flow up to the crown, or seventh chakra. This Chakra is associated with the top of the head, pineal gland, the brain, and the entire nervous system. The crown chakra is the centre for trust, devotion, inspiration, happiness and positivity. It is also the center for deep connection with ourselves and also for connection to a force of life that is much greater than ourselves. This center is the seat of cosmic consciousness and connects us to Divine intelligence, love and grace. Visualize your whole head filling up with this warm, strong earth energy.
The seventh center is where we link with Spirit and is the place where transcendent Spirit comes into human consciousness. This chakra, also known as the thousand petal chakra embraces an attitude of gratitude for one's life.
When we realize that everything is interconnected and that we are part of the larger scheme of life, we begin to live with gratitude, faith and trust, rather than filled with fear and anxiety.
We are guided by the higher power and we feel divinity from within and from without.
The challenge of this chakra is to liberate the spirit - open to the divine - and at the same time stay firmly rooted deep in the ground.
See the strong, warm feminine earth energy now becoming a fountain at the top of your head and cascading down around you. As you gently breathe you silently invite the clear golden light of spirit to pour down from above to meet your crown chakra.
Using your breath, draw the clear golden Spirit energy down through your crown and into the sixth center in your head.
Bring the Spirit energy down through the fifth center: into your throat center. Feel this light energy fill up the entire throat area and with each breath, draw this divine light all the way down, into and through the heart, solar plexus, sacral and base chakras.
When the Spirit energy has come down through all of your centers, send it down your grounding cords and ground it in the center of the Earth.
You are now running the two major energies of all creation. The mother's feminine, magnetic, earth energy is coming up from the core of the earth through all your centers, and fountaining out the top of your head. The father spirit energy is coming down in the form of clear golden light through all of your centers and grounding in the center of the earth.
Visualize these two mighty energetic forces as they flow through your energetic body. If you notice any blockages breathe softly and slowly and intend for them to be released.
Pause and allow your attention back to your physical body. Bring your attention back to the breath in and the breath out.
Tell me and I'll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I'll understand. ( American Indian proverb)
Friday, July 24, 2015
Ocean of Emotion
My awareness is opening up as I sit here by the vast ocean. I realise that it’s helping me to open the doorway to my soul. The glistening vastness stretched out before my eyes allow me to tap into and feel the deep mysteries of our universe. I sit in awe and wonder as I watch the gentle breeze as it skips along the surface of this great mass moving rhythmically to and fro. The glimmering light of the sun shines majestically across the vastness that’s stretched endlessly before me.
Rocks, sand, sea-weed, shells and particles of washed up fish pave the pathway for the humans to walk upon, while they silently reap the soothing effects of our mysterious oceanic force of love, beauty and healing. Of the four elements, our emotions relate to water. Like the sea, they build and peak like waves and the tides. Our negative emotions are enveloped and soothed the by the movement and rhythm of this great tapestry. Positive emotions begin to emerge as we walk along the seashore. We begin to recall who we really are: wonderful spiritual beings full of vitality, passion and enthusiasm.
Blue, Green, Turquoise, White and Grey are all part of this moving picture. I breathe in and I receive, I breathe out and I release. With each inhalation I breathe in universal peace, joy and love and with each exhalation I release all that no longer serves me well. I walk, I breathe, I smile and I heal. I reach out to this mighty force and appreciate the balance it relentlessly offers to me. As I sit and observe the many passing souls, I understand that their turbulent thoughts, their weary heads and their confusion are all being healed by the force of the great vast ocean.
Thank you mighty ocean, thank you for helping me to understand that quantum possibilities exist as waves of energy contracting and expanding. Just like the ocean displays its power without hesitation, so too can we utilise our emotions to change even the laws of physics as we understand them today.
O blessed angels of the sea send your love to wash over me. Cleanse me, heal me and remind me of this great love that resides as me!
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Daily Care
This article on “Daily Care” is what the Angels offered me during a meditation.
1. Gratitude is the best way to set up and also to conclude your day. First thing each morning when you awaken spend a few moments giving thanks and just before sleep make a habit of being grateful for your precious life. When you practice gratitude before sleep you marinate in that vibration and wake up attracting more to you of what you are grateful for. The angels explained to me that once you raise your vibration by being grateful for all that you have in your life, you automatically attract more into your life to be grateful for.
2. Stretch your physical body each morning and allow yourself to feel all of your joints and muscles becoming flexible and free. They say that we can enjoy more of the endless supply of the abundant universe when we are flexible and free.
3. Drink adequate pure still water before a healthy organic breakfast. They explain that our physical body is the house where our soul resides. We have a responsibility to take great care of our body. Keep the physical body nourished with the best possible food, exercise, rest and fluids.
4. Become mindful of your thoughts and correct any thoughts that do not come from the highest part of you. They explain that our thoughts predict our point of attraction and that it is imperative that they are always high quality, positive and empowering. If you notice yourself having any disempowering thoughts, stop yourself at once and reverse those destructive thoughts. . As Lao –Tzu says: Once we correct the mind everything else falls into place.
5. Limit your need for validation each day until eventually you will no longer have the need for it. The angels say that this is possible by trusting in our magnificent self. Each time you become aware of your need for approval, simply breathe into your heart and fill yourself up from the store of peace, joy and love that is at all times available to you. By practicing this exercise you will automatically negate your need for the approval of others.
6. Breathe deeply into your heart centre with the intention of expanding your heart energy. The breath of intention is a healthy snack for the soul, so indulge as often as you can. Allow the breath to nourish you with peace, joy, love and lots of high vibrational energy and watch those lower emotions dissolve and dissipate.
7. Contribute to the happiness of others in your daily life. This may vary greatly from person to person or indeed from day to day but nevertheless it is a must for your own fulfillment in life. Contribution may come in the form of offering your gifs to the world by being a compassionate mother, a fair leader, an honest member of government, a banker, a nurse or any other profession where you feel you are offering the best of you! Reach out to others in a way that’s right for you and offer them the best that you can give.
8. Do your personal best in everything that you think, do and say and feel the joy of it. Feel the blessings that are being offered to you daily in all the simple things that life offers you.
9. Always treat yourself and others with the greatest respect. Avoid the temptation to judge, condemn or criticize yourself or anyone else. By starting with self-love you will open both your heart and your arms to become the support and the light to guide others onto their highest path of truth, beauty, glory and fulfillment. It is through unconditional love of the self always that you open up your soul to shine brightly. This light brightens up your thoughts, your words, your actions and consequently Your Life!
10. Affirm:
I am perfect health
I am aligned with the flow of the universe
I am pure in spirit and mind
I am happy, peaceful and loving
I am gentle with myself and others
I am strong and I am safe
I am one with all
I am grateful for my life
I am love
I am Light Divine
I am free
I am peaceful and contented
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Wrap your loving arms around your inner child.
When one looks up the definition of “inner child” a host of suggestions appear. I quiet like the slant that in both popular and analytical psychology that our inner child is considered to be our child-like aspect.
The inner child is considered to denote a semi-independent entity subordinate to the waking conscious mind. The term “inner child” has manifold therapeutic applications in counselling and other holistic health settings.
John Bradshaw, a U.S. educator, pop psychology and self-help movement leader, famously uses “inner child” to point to unresolved childhood experiences and the lingering dysfunctional effects of childhood dysfunction. In this way “inner child” refers to the entire sum of mental-emotional memories stored in the subconscious from conception to puberty.
This term, “inner child” really catches my attention. I believe that there is a young suffering little child in all of us. We all went through some hardships and suffering as a child. Some children suffer more than others in their childhood years but we all suffer some. We spend many years stuffing these feelings deep down into our unconscious mind and cellular memory. We all find ways to protect ourselves from suffering and pain and quiet often we try to forget painful situations and memories. We hide the shame and loneliness from ourselves and others and this places our true self in isolation. When the true self is alone and isolated we experience fear, anxiety and a host of negative emotions. In our adult years we must face and embrace the suffering so that our true self may begin to shine through. We really have to allow the sunlight into the dark dungeon to support the wounded inner child.
“ The cry we hear from deep within our hearts, comes from the wounded child within. Healing our inner child’s pain will transform negative emotions”. Thic Nhat Hanh
I would like to offer a few practical tips for letting go of the old wound of the heart ;
1. Offer the wounded child care and love each day of your life.
2. Do things that make you happy and light up your internal lamp. Once your light begins to shine all the darkness will fade and eventually cease to be.
3. Show your inner child that you can be trusted. Your inner child must be able to trust you as you are now in your grown body. Once you firmly believe in yourself your inner child will feel that confidence and begin trusting in you.
4. Remember that your parents were just wounded kids themselves and let go of any blame.
5. Stop looking to others for validation and be there for you.
6. Make it ok to feel angry but don’t unpack and stay there.
7. Grieve what happened to the inner child without judgements or condemnation and understand that the authentic loving child is still awaiting you to embrace it.
8. Listen to your inner child and assure the child that you will never let it unattended again.
9. Affirm to your inner child that you are emotionally available now and always will be in the future.
10. Take your inner child on holidays, camping, hill-walking and other adventures.
11. Meditate with your inner child and breathe in the joy and breathe out the old wounds.
12. Allow your thoughts to circulate so that you have a healthy psyche.
13. Learn to embrace and deal with negative feelings.
14. Finally we must learn how to recognise, embrace and love our inner fears so that we may be free of all suffering.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
The Turning Point
What's a turning point?
Perhaps a wider part of a road or highway? A point of fatigue where one turns back to the safe and familiar? A point of reaching ones threshold? The point where the caterpillar stops eating, hangs upside down and moults into a shiny chrysalis before transforming itself into a beautiful butterfly?
I believe it's all of these and much more!
I would like to focus on the analogy of the caterpillar becoming a bright and vibrant butterfly.
Let’s just think of the transformation of stubby, crawling caterpillar into an airborne fairylike beautiful butterfly. This surely is the perfect metaphor for change, improvement even life after death.
From the darkest recesses of despair I saw a tiny crack allowing in a ray of light. I lay suspended in an upside down position where my thinking mind eventually became flooded with the energy and light of my soul.
It was as though all my thoughts were being drained through an unseen funnel that went from my exploding head to the core of our compassionate Mother Earth.
Anger, fear, resentment, hatred, guilt, shame, sadness, more fear, more guilt, more sadness all began to trickle slowly from my heavy head as I hung there just like the chrysalis of the caterpillar waiting for something, but the something wasn't yet even a feeling, thought or knowing. I was completely swamped with darkness and couldn't find my way to the place of beauty and transformation.
Dark, weary, heavy and stagnated thoughts and emotions kept me suspended and paralysed in this agonising position and place. Nevertheless that little ray of light and hope still continuing to penetrate through the crack overhead.
My shrivelled heart, my lifeless body and my exploding head wanted so desperately to reach for and harness that light but it didn't know how.
A gentle voice whispered through the veil of light, it was a soft and loving voice: It was pure and determined that I listen to what it had to say to me: surrender, please surrender and allow me in. I will fuel your heart, your body, your mind and your spirit with all that you need for a beautiful authentic life. You just need to ask, believe and allow yourself to receive some magical healing and lasting transformation.
Time disappeared and with that passing my thoughts also faded into the abyss.
Who am I?
What is happening?
What should I do?
Even these thoughts and the energy vibration of same disappeared. My mind eventually surrendered, everything became still and I waited, yes I just waited!
Everything became a state of pure being, and from this suspended space I began to observe. It was a new concept and it was the most enlightening experience that I could ever hope to experience.
The ray of light that once looked like the passing of a lamp had become steadfast and strong. It was as though the darkness and despair had been burnt away by the love of the vibrant warm sunlight.
My EGO in its shrivelled state collapsed, fell away and from underneath that outer skin shone the most beautiful soul imaginable. The pain, the struggle, the darkness all faded into nothingness.
Now I know who this person is that looks out from behind those eyes. I am the light of the world. You are the light of the world. We are the light of the world.
Individually and collectively we can move from being a caterpillar to becoming a beautiful vibrant being of light, just like our friend, the butterfly.
Life as a butterfly is at all times very bright, sweet and beautiful.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
The soul speaks with great love and wisdom
In the quiet of the night I hear my soul whisper in my ear: Dear child it is imperative that you believe in all souls, even those that have strayed far from the light of the universe. Do not judge, condemn or ridicule another human being, but open yourself up to the understanding of the greater divine plan. Embrace the darkness and rejoice with the brightness that follows.
Find what you really love to do and do it with great joy and expanded love. Choose to live a life that is congruent with your spirit and allow yourself to move forward with great leaps. When you have an abundance of spirit you will see that translate into having abundance in the material world also. Go out into the world and infect it with your connection to spirit, walk your walk and talk your talk so that others too may follow. People will feel your love, your joy, your expanded fun-loving heart and your reverence for life and they will be inspired by you.
It is now time to uncover your innate greatness, wisdom, love and light. Allow yourself to let go of old energies by opening up to the truth and the light. This is a very important part of your human mission. When you let go of fears, limitations and all lower energies you automatically open up to remembering your greatness and your divinity. Let go of your judgements now and evolve with great ease. Within you is the capacity to embrace and hold the light for all of those that have lost their way. Embrace suffering, pain, darkness and duality and shine your light just as a lighthouse shines it light to aid the visibility for the ships on the ocean.
Trust in yourself and trust in the wisdom that has created you and everything else around you. Open up to the angels, deities and guides and see the oneness of creation. You are capable of great things, push your boundaries, widen your expectations, and experience the greatness, the vastness and the unlimited unconditional love of the universe. Embody the truth and relax into the arms of love, joy and an abundance of inner peace. When fear knocks on your door open it with love and see the immediate transformation.
Daily affirmations!
My soul expands as I admire the beauty of the sunset.
My soul sings as I gaze at the dazzling night sky.
My soul rejoices as I attempt to understand my fellow human beings.
My soul delights as I soften to the sounds of beautiful music.
My soul opens as I show pure love to all the animals of this kingdom.
My soul shines through my radiant smile, my diamond eyes, my loving heart, my compassionate nature, my kind deeds and love of life.
My soul understands that one has to grow from inside out and that it’s the only real teacher.
My soul asks that I rummage through it and find my dormant forces. Amen!
Friday, January 23, 2015
Inner Child
I look inside and who do I see?
A beautiful child looking out at me.
A child that's alive and free as can be.
A child that's excited, expressive, playful and confident and full of glee.
A little whisper from my child to me- please don't ever forget about me!
I can show you how to create, love, live and feel free!
Therese Mc Auliffe
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